The First Nest of Giant 'Murder Hornets' Discovered in The US Has Been Eradicated
Agricultural department workers wearing protective suits have eradicated the primary nest of giant "murder hornets" discovered ...
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Study Shows We Might Be Thinking About Joint Injuries in The Wrong Way
Joint injuries can often lead to joint disease in both humans and other animals, but a new study looking at a particular biological lubric...
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An Ancient Maya City Had a Surprisingly Effective Water Filtration System
Water is important for basic human survival. But it can even be dangerous; contaminated water can spread deadly diseases that have the po...
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World's Largest Solar Farm to Be Built in Australia - But They Won't Get The Power
A major renewable energy project in Australia billed because the world's largest solar farm in development has had its proposed locat...
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The First Star in Our Galaxy Caught Sending Out Fast Radio Bursts Is Doing It Again
A little dead star that dazzled us earlier this year isn't through with its shenanigans. Magnetar SGR 1935+2154, which in April emitt...
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Daycares in Finland Built a 'Forest Floor', And It Changed Children's Immune Systems
Playing through the greenery and litter of a mini forest's undergrowth for only 1 month is also enough to vary a child's system, ...
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NASA Probe Has Collected a Bit Too Much Asteroid Dust And Is Now Leaking Its Treasure
NASA said Friday that its robotic spacecraft OSIRIS-REx had succeeded in collecting an outsized sample of particles from the Bennu asteroi...
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Some COVID-19 Vaccine Candidates May Make People More Vulnerable to HIV, Scientists Warn
As the coronavirus pandemic drags on, subsequent waves of infections are reaching staggering new heights, and more people are losing love...
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For The First Time, Scientists Have Completely Sequenced a Human Chromosome
In 2003, history was made. For the primary time, the human genome was sequenced. Since then, technological improvements have enabled twea...
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Engineers Have Found a Way to Make More Durable Roads Out of Old Tyres And Rubble
Producing something useful out of waste materials that might rather be discarded is that the ideal scenario when it involves sustainable ...
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Watch Live: A NASA Spacecraft Is About to Land on an Asteroid And Grab a Sample
Imagine parallel parking a 15-passenger van into just two to 3 parking spaces surrounded by two-story boulders. On October 20, a Universi...
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14-Year-Old From Texas Wins Top Science Prize For Coronavirus Molecule Discovery
With the COVID-19 pandemic still raging, a 14-year-old from Texas has won a national science competition for identifying a molecule that ...
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Huge, 'Impossible' Crystals in Denmark Have Finally Been Explained by Scientists
As geological puzzles go, it is a pretty good one. within the global greenhouse conditions of the first Eocene (56-48 million years ago),...
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Graphene Reveals a Super-Rare Form of Magnetism When 3 Layers Combine Together
For something that largely exists in exactly two dimensions, graphene seems to be everywhere. The super-thin 'wonder material' is...
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Bar-Tailed Godwit Breaks Record by Flying Nonstop From Alaska to New Zealand
An international traveler just broke the world's record for the longest flight. Among birds that's. A bar-tailed godwit (Limosa l...
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Oxygen Supply Just Failed in Part of The ISS, But Everyone Is Safe So Far
The oxygen supply system has failed in a very module on the Russian segment of the International orbiter (ISS) but the crew is in no dan...
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First Study of Its Kind Reveals How We Can Slow Down Propaganda Memes Online
As the US Presidential election comes ever closer, incendiary memes on social media are emerging as a way to further drive a wedge betwe...
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Trump Administration Just Ended Gray Wolf Protections Against Advice of Scientists
US President Donald Trump's administration on Thursday removed species protections for the grey wolf, paving the way for the long-lasti...
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Fireball Meteorite That Struck Michigan Reveals Ancient Extraterrestrial Compounds
A meteorite that landed on a frozen lake in 2018 contains thousands of organic compounds that formed billions of years ago and will hold c...
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