Wednesday, February 22, 2023

A gigantic Stone Orb Discovered in Europe is The Final Proof Of A Long-Lost Ancient Civilization

Not only have scientists unearthed a giant stone sphere in Europe, but the oldest and biggest Pyramids are also reported to be in Europe. Furthermore, linguistic and cultural scientists believe that the oldest written language is from the ancient Danube Valley Civilization (Europe), which was among the first civilizations to develop copper tools, advanced architecture, including two-story houses, furniture design and production, and, most importantly, a writing system. All of this happened at a period when most of Europe was still in the Stone Age and advanced civilization was nowhere to be seen.

People all across the world have been captivated by the concept that Europe was once home to an extraordinarily advanced ancient civilisation. While many people are skeptical of the concept of a lost civilisation in Europe in the distant past, some findings show that history as we know it is incomplete.

A fresh finding adds to the evidence supporting the views. Dr. Semir Osmanagic, called the ‘Bosnian Indiana Jones,’ uncovered a large stone sphere in Bosnia – not far from the Bosnian Pyramid complex – that he believes dates back over 1,500 years and belonged to a long-lost civilisation that occupied the region before written history.

The gigantic stone sphere is around three meters in diameter and weighs at least 60 tons, according to Osmanagic, making it the largest massive stone sphere ever unearthed in Europe.

Interestingly, identical stone spheres have been discovered halfway around the world in Costa Tica, where hundreds of similar spheres are dispersed around the nation. No one knows what they were used for, even though some academics believe the spheres were made by the Diquis society.

According to Dr.Osmanagic, there were around 80 such spheres distributed throughout modern-day Bosnia and Herzegovina. In reality, just as some of the stone spheres in Costa Rica were destroyed, the ones in Bosnia were broken as people looked for ‘treasures’ buried within them.

However, many people remain doubtful, claiming that the gigantic stone sphere was not constructed by a long-lost civilisation but rather by natural processes.

Dr. Osmanagic strongly disagrees, stating that while the material of the stone sphere must be examined, its “brown and red color point to very high iron content,” implying that it is just one of many pieces that clearly show that a technologically advanced civilization inhabited the region thousands of years ago.

But, if there was a lost civilisation that lived in the area in the ancient past, wouldn’t we have discovered proof of their presence by now?

We already have, according to Dr. Osmanagic, but we are too enamored with conventional history to notice a game-changing finding like this.

According to Dr. Osmanagaic, Bosnia and Herzegovina not only possesses the largest stone sphere in Europe, but it also boasts the largest and oldest pyramids on the planet’s surface.

The Bosnian Pyramids, located northwest of Sarajevo near the village of Visoko, are considered by many to be the earliest man-made Pyramids discovered on our planet, while others believe they are nothing more than natural formations.

However, if you travel there, visit the Pyramids, and go into the tunnels beneath the Pyramids, you will find that there is more to the narrative.

According to measurements, the Pyramid of the Sun at Visoko, with a height of 220 meters, towers above the Great Pyramid of Egypt, which stands at 147 meters (height). Furthermore, the Pyramid’s North orientation is precise, with an inaccuracy of 0 degrees, 0 minutes, and 12 seconds.

Aside from the aforementioned, scientists have discovered a “ultrasound” beam at the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, which arrives in regular blocks of 9,3333 Hz with peaks up to 28.3000kHz. Isn’t it enough evidence of a man-made structure?

Furthermore, hydrophone measurements in the Ravne tunnels revealed the presence of ultrasonic oscillations at 24 kHz and one octave higher at 48 kHz, the amplitudes of which altered rhythmically. A frequency of 38 kHz also emerged irregularly. Surprisingly, this frequency is 14 kHz higher than the 24 kHz frequency, a difference frequency that is half of the 28 kHz frequency recorded from the Pyramid of the Sun.

Is there anything left of the Danube Valley civilization?

Many people are unaware of the Danube Valley Civilization, yet it is one of Europe’s most important ancient cultures. In truth, it is one of Europe’s earliest civilizations, having developed between 5,500 and 3,500 BC in what is now known as the Balkans, a wide expanse of terrain that runs from Northern Greece to Slovakia (South to North), and Croatia to Romania (West to East).

Surprisingly, this ancient civilisation was one of the most influential and important societies in southern Europe, being among the first to produce copper tools, complex architecture, including two-story dwellings, furniture design and manufacture, and, most crucially, a writing system.

All of this happened while much of Europe was still in the Stone Age, and advanced civilization was nowhere to be seen.

This ancient Balkan culture achieved exceptional talents such as weaving, leather processing, clothing production, and the invention of the wheel.

Surprisingly, the Danube Valley Civilization is thought to have produced a written language that precedes Sumerian literature.

According to Harald Haarmann, a German linguistic and cultural expert, the Danube script predates Sumerian texts and is the world’s earliest writing. Inscriptions uncovered on tablets from the Danube Valley Civilization stretch back at least 5,500 years, and the cryptic symbols that comprise the written language have yet to be understood.

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